Best Places to Propose in Athens, GA

by * in Athens GA
Best Places to Propose in Athens, GA
Athens, GA

Athens, GA, is well-known for its music scene, with bands like R.E.M. and the B-52’s proudly hailing from our fine city. In addition to our antebellum architecture and historical civil war sites, there are tons of local diamond jewelry stores in Athens, GA, for you to choose from while on your search for the perfect diamond engagement ring. 

Your trusted local diamond jeweler can also help you choose where and how you’ll propose in Athens, GA. After hearing so many stories from loyal customers, your local jeweler in Athens, GA, has good advice on the best place to propose in Athens, GA. We met with one of our local jeweler partners to give you the inside scoop on the best proposal locations and here’s what they had to say:

Local Diamond Jeweler

“The best place to propose in Athens, Georgia, is The Arch. The cast-iron arch is nearly 160 years old and borders the campus of University of Georgia and downtown Athens. It is an iconic symbol in our community, making it a popular place for couples to propose.” – JWR Jewelers

Best Places to Propose in Athens, GA
JWR Jewelers in Athens, GA

JWR Jewelers is a local jewelry store in Athens, GA, and has been in business since 1983. For decades, they have provided generations of families with top quality diamonds and customer service, proud to call themselves “the best local jeweler for diamond engagement rings and fine jewelry”. At JWR Jewelers, only the highest standards and value are presented to their customers, ensuring that everyone walks out with all their expectations exceeded.

We met with the store’s manager, Tony Cruz, and asked him: What is the most memorable proposal story you heard from an Athens, GA customer?

“One of our favorite proposal stories comes from an older couple who reconnected years and years after high school and started to date for a while. One day the gentlemen brought his future wife to JWR Jewelers and asked her what ring she liked. She pointed at the ring that caught her attention, so he bought it on the spot. He then got down on one knee and proposed to her right here in our store. It was the most romantic and beautiful moment.” -Tony

3 Best Places to Propose in Athens, GA

1. Graduate Athens

Best Places to Propose in Athens, GA
Graduate Athens in Athens, GA

Perhaps you’d like to unplug and indulge in an afternoon of utter relaxation before proposing to your love. That diamond ring will be the romantic cherry on top of a day of rejuvenating rest and connection at our popular spa at Graduate Athens, 295 E Dougherty St, Athens, GA, 1.8 miles (5-minute drive) from Athens, GA. 

2. Escape the Space – Live Escape Room

Or you might want to go for something exciting for your proposal location and try Escape the Space – Live Escape Room in Athens, GA, 540 Hawthorne Ave, Athens, GA, 4 miles (9-minute drive) from Athens, GA, for an adventurous vibe. If you can work together to solve riddles and escape, the world is your oyster and you two can conquer anything! 

3. The State Botanical Garden of Georgia

Best Places to Propose in Athens, GA
The State Botanical Garden of Georgia in Athens, GA

Of course, you can’t go wrong presenting your stunning diamond engagement ring at The State Botanical Garden of Georgia, 2450 S Milledge Ave, Athens, GA, 4 miles (7-minute drive) from Athens, GA. The 313-acre conservatory of magnificently designed blooming flowers and plant-life is the perfect spot for your big moment.

Tori and Kyle’s Athens, GA, Proposal and Love Story:

Best Places to Propose in Athens, GA
Local Couple in Athens, GA

How They Met: Kyle and Tori met in high school. Kyle played football and, of course, Tori was a cheerleader. One night, after one of  their game days, Tori told a girlfriend of hers who was also on the cheer squad that she thought Kyle was “super cute”. To Tori’s dismay (or delight!), her friend immediately told Kyle. She was embarrassed but in the end, it worked in her favor. They began dating soon-after. 

How They Asked: It was Tori’s twenty-first birthday and although she was expecting something memorable to occur, never did she anticipate that this birthday celebration would change her life. 

Tori had planned to go to a concert with her mother and cousins. She was frustrated and disappointed that Kyle didn’t feel like going with them, but understood that he had prior commitments. She ended up having a blast anyway, and headed back to Athens in time for a fancy dinner with Kyle. 

Kyle picked her up and they headed to 5 Bar in Athens, GA, for a romantic and delicious birthday dinner. After they had finished, Kyle kept on asking if Tori was in the mood for ice cream, even though she kept saying she was full. Instead, Tori offered to walk around North Campus to help them digest. Although it was a beautiful night, Tori was annoyed that Kyle kept texting throughout their walk. Little did she know he was making sure his proposal would be just right. 

All of a sudden, Kyle mentioned that their friend texted and said that beautiful lights were still up from a wedding ceremony over at Founder’s Garden. Kyle suggested they head over to continue on their birthday date.

They walked over and saw hundreds of Tori’s favorite: stunning bulb lights! They were beautifully strung all along a winding path. Everything clicked, and Tori immediately burst into tears. 

As they kept walking and Tori kept sniffling and giggling out of sheer joy and excitement, Kyle knew he had to get the show on the road or she would be a melted puddle by the time he asked. He got down on one knee and expressed his deep love and affection for his sweetheart. He told her how happy she makes him and that he never wants to know what life is like without her, because everything feels so good when they’re together. 

Tory said yes, and that she would gladly be his wife. That he, too, was everything she ever dreamed of or wished for her friends. It was a dream proposal and was only getting better. 

Moments later, Tori noticed that her brother, who was a photographer, was snapping pictures of them. She didn’t even know he was coming back into town so that was an added bonus, not to mention the many pictures he had secretly taken of them together on their walk leading up to the proposal. 

Kyle explained that both of their families were waiting at the house to celebrate her birthday but didn’t know that they had gotten engaged. This was going to be just as much of a surprise for them as it had been for Tori. 

When Kyle and Tori entered the party and yelled, “Surprise!”, Tori and Kyle responded with, “Surprise!” as Tori held up her hand showing off her brand new engagement ring. Everyone was ecstatic! The entire evening was a dream come true. 

Bottom Line…

Athens, GA, is your ideal destination for your diamond display of love and commitment. Find your local diamond jeweler on and pop the question in Athens, GA, today!

Top 7 Locations to Propose in Athens, GA

  1. State Botanical Garden
  2. Sandy Creek Park
  3. Athens Riverwalk
  4. Georgia Museum of Art Gardens
  5. Athens-Clarke County Arboretum
  6. Dawson Park
  7. Georgia Theatre Rooftop